Smithsonian Institution
(Museum) in Washington D.C. pays tribute to
Nikola Tesla

The Smithsonian Institution is the world's largest
museum and research complex with 17 museums and galleries, the National
Zoo and nine research centers. The collections are vast, some 143.5
million objects - some of America's most significant artistic, scientific
and historic treasures. Nikola Tesla is presented well in the
Smithsonian Institution. Tesla Memorial Society of New York is
grateful to the Smithsonian Institution for the beautiful presentation of
Tesla's contribution to humanity.

Above: Smithsonian Castle, Washington D.C.

Above: Smithsonian Castle, Washington D.C.

Above: Modern Smithsonian Institution building, Washington D.C.

Welcome to the Smithsonian

Above: Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, Secretary General, Tesla
Memorial Society of New York in front of the Smithsonian Institution
(National Museum of American History), Washington D.C. on January 21, 2005.

Above: "Lighting a Revolution" is a section of
electricity in the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American

Above: The Bust of Thomas Alva Edison is dominating the Lighting a
Revolution Section in the Smithsonian

Nikola Tesla
is well represented in the Smithsonian Institution

Above and Below: Nikola Tesla's photo and biography
displayed in the Smithsonian Institution.

Niagara Falls, New York, the First
Hydroelectric Power Plant in the World - Tesla's Greatest Achievement

Above: Niagara Falls, New York - the first great hydroelectric
power plant in the world, 1895.

Above: Nikola Tesla participated with his patents in the construction
of the first big generators for polyphase currents as testified by the
plate from one of the generators of the Niagara Plant (1895) which lists
13 of Tesla's patents, all used in the construction of Niagara Falls Power

Above: Dr. Ljubo Vujovic by the satellite photo of the "Earth at
Night". A testimony to Tesla's contribution to our civilization.
Tesla's Alternating Current is lighting the globe. Tesla is the
genius who lit the world.

There is an impressive display of photos and text about
Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric Power Plant which Nikola Tesla designed and
George Westinghouse financed and finished in 1895. Niagara Falls was the
final victory of Tesla's Alternating Current (AC) Electricity over
Edison's Direct Current (DC) Electricity. Niagara Falls marked a new
era of electricity in the world. The electrification of America and
the world has begun after Niagara Falls Power Plant.

Above: Section of cable over which current over Niagara station was
conducted. April 16, 1895.

Above: Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, Secretary General, Tesla
Memorial Society of New York with his son Marko Vujovic, Web Designer of teslasociety.com, visited the Smithsonian Institution, January 21, 2005.
They made the photos of Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., a
presentation of Nikola Tesla's achievements.
Niagara Falls
Building of Niagara Falls
Hydro-Electric Power Plant - Tesla's greatest achievement - the
electrification of America had begun

Above: Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric Power Plant, Dr. Ljubo Vujovic by
photo of "Adam's Plant"
Nikola Tesla and George
Westinghouse built the first major hydro-electric power plant in Niagara Falls
and started the electrification of the world

Above: A photograph of the building of Niagara Falls.

Above: Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric Power Plant, Dr. Ljubo Vujovic by
photo of "Adam's Plant"
Tesla's Induction Motor
Tesla's induction motor revolutionized the industry and
house-hold appliances in the 19th and 20th century. It was
proclaimed one of the ten greatest inventions of all times. It uses
electrical energy to produce mechanical energy and replaced manual labor
in factories. Everything which moves in the electrical field of
various machines and house-hold appliances is powered by Tesla's induction

Above and Below: Tesla AC induction motor.

Above: Tesla Induction Motor in house-hold appliances.
Tesla Wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham, Long Island

Above: Wardenclyffe Tower and Marconi in the Radio section of the
National Museum of American History, Washington D.C.
Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower was meant to be the first
broadcasting system in the world. It was also meant to be a
transmission tower to transmit electricity without wires around the globe
using the huge capacity of Niagara Falls Power Plant as the source of
electricity. Tesla wanted to electrify the entire surface of the earth
using the Ionosphere to transmit electricity. Everyone around the
world would be able to light bulbs and power electrical equipment by connecting
wires to the ground. J P Morgan, the financier of Wardenclyffe Tower
discontinued the finances after Morgan could not figure out how to profit
from this transmission of electricity around the globe.
Michael Idvorsky Pupin (1854 - 1935)

of electro-mechanic, Columbia University New York

Above: The Pulitzer Prize Awarded to Michael Pupin,
1924, for his autobiography "From Immigrant to Inventor"

Michael Pupin was presented beautifully in the
Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. with his Pupin Coil displayed.
He was born to a Serbian family in the village of Idvor,
province of Banat near Belgrade. At the age of fifteen he came to
America and work his way on farms and in factories and finally won himself
an education and became one of the greatest scientist in America.
His autobiography "From Immigrant to Inventor" won the Pulitzer Prize in
1924 tells of his transformation into one of America's great electrical
genius. Pupin was a holder of 34 patents, he was a prolific
electrical inventor who's many discoveries included devices widely used
today in telegraphy and telephony. Pupin was best known for his
contributions to applied physics, primarily telephone and telegraph
transmission, although he contributed to applied medicine by his work in
x-ray fluoroscopy and his method of decreasing the duration of exposure to
x-rays. Pupin discovered the Pupin Coil which extended the
range of long-distance telephony; and a means of overcoming static
resistance to wireless telegraphy. Pupin discovered the scale on

Above: Pupin Coil at the Smithsonian Museum, Washington D.C.
