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Half a Century of the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade "During 2002-2005 the Nikola Tesla Museum marked fifty years since its foundation and the opening of its permanent display. It is a unique institution of science and culture, both in our country and in the world. It is entirely dedicated to the brilliant inventor, scientist and engineer Nikola Tesla. The unique quality of the Museum is in its memorial-historical yet scientific-technical orientation: it holds the entire legacy of Tesla, his personal archives, personal library and a multitude of personal objects, both memorial and technical." -Marija Sesic, director, 2001-2005, Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade.
Above: Nikola Tesla Museum Building in Belgrade. Above: The Nikola Tesla Museum (Website) in Belgrade.
The following section was taken from the Nikola Tesla Museum Website Virtual Tour. If you would like to visit this website go to: http://www.yurope.com/org/tesla/7e.htm
Above: Tesla ashes were placed in a golden sphere, Tesla Museum, Belgrade.
Above: Death Mask of Nikola Tesla, in the Nikola Tesla Museum, Belgrade.
The remote control system, recognitionsIn the last room of the Museum are shown Tesla's experiments and achivements in the field of remote control system. The reconstructed model of a small ship is exhibited, with which he laid the foundation of remote control system, when he, in New York in 1898, showed how the ships and mechanical gadgets in general could be controlled on a wireless principle.
The greatest among all the recognitions, however, is the one given to
him posthumously (in 1960) by the International Commision for Electrical
Engineering, at its session in Philadelphia. That Commision decided that
the unit of magnetic induction is to be universaly called Unit "tesla" (as
well as formula)
So Tesla was included among the most outstanding scientists such as Volta, Ampere, Faraday, Kelvn and others. The exhibition ends with the posthumous mask of Tesla, with the words of American inventor Armstrong next to it: "The world will long have to wait for a mind
Tesla's transformer and wireless transmissionTesla's inventions in the field of currents of high frequency and high
voltage are exhibited in the next room. With his oscillator he was the
first to succeed in producing currents of high frequncy and of several
millions volts. This made the development of new technical fields
Sound of small oscillator-transformer discharge
It seems almost incredible today that Tesla managed to produce current
of more than tens of thousand periods frequency with several million volt
so many decades ago. Tesla experimented with such voltage in his
laboratory in New York as well as in
The most significant experiments with current of high frequecy and high voltage, Tesla carried out in the field of wireless transmission. With the results attained he laid the foundation of the tehnique of wireless transmision, as testified by the exibited text of the judgement of the USA Supreme Court, by which Tesla's inventions in that field have a priority over Marconi's inventins.
The polyphase system and its application
Sound of eggs moveing 2
This room also contains Tesla's invention of the turbine without blades (1913), of the pump and the rotor constructed on the same principle, which attract one's attention by their originality. Tesla devoted twenty years of his life to these inventions, trying to improve them and applay them in practice, and understanding, in the world of science.
Memory of the World, United Nations (Unesco)
2 September 2003 Some 600 works of the 10th century physician and scientist Ibn Sina and the archives of Nikola Tesla, a pioneer in electrification, are among the 23 documentary collections from 20 countries selected for inscription on the Memory of the World Register of library and archive material. The International Advisory Committee of UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme selected the collections during a meeting in Gdansk (Poland) that ended last Saturday. Nikola Tesla's Archive in Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro) constitutes a unique collection of 160,000 pages of patent documentation, scientific correspondence, scientific papers, manuscripts, technical drawings, scientific measuring data, personal documents and legal papers, as well as 1,000 original photographs of Tesla's experiments and inventions, all of which are indispensable to the study of the history of electrification. A total of 91 properties from 45 countries are inscribed on the Memory of the World Register, which was established in 1997 to preserve and promote documentary heritage of universal value. Memory of the World by the United Nations click here Above: Nikola Tesla Archive in the Nikola Tesla Museum.
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
Above: Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) at the age of 38.
Tesla's Greatest Achievements
Above: Earth at Night, Click to Enlarge
Above: One of the original Tesla Electric Motors from 1888 which is today the main power of for industry and household appliances. Tesla's Electric Motor is one of the ten greatest inventions of all times.
Above: Tesla is the father of high frequency high voltage electricity which is used today in radio and other communication devices. Here is a photo from Colorado Springs, Colorado (in 1899), illustrating the capacity of the oscillator to create electricity of millions of volts and a frequency of 100,000 alternations per second. Tesla Unit Tesla Unit for magnetic flux density equation (T=W/m2) on Serbian money.
Tesla Posters - Tesla Unit