Mileva Maric (1875-1948)

Maric was Albert Einstein's first wife. Einstein married Mileva
Maric on January 6, 1903. The two witnesses at the quiet wedding
were the original members of the Olympia Academy, Maurice Solovine and
Conrad Habicht. There were no honeymoon and after the celebratory
meal in a local restaurant the couple returned to their new home on 49
Kramgasse, close to Berne's famous clocktower. They
had two sons. Their daughter Lieserl was born before their marriage and
died in childhood. At the time of Mileva's death in 1948 her oldest
son Hans Albert was a professor in hydraulic engineering at the
University of California at Berkley. A Serbian mathematician, Mileva
Maric was Einstein's companion, colleague and confidante whose influence
in his most creative years was enormous. After
their marriage Mileva subordinates her professional goals to
Einstein's. She was born in Titel-Vojvodina, a northern part of
Yugoslavia of Serbian parents. Einstein and Mileva met as students
at Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute in Zurich.
the age of twenty-one Mileva entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in
1896, the same year as Einstein, who was three-and-a-half years younger
than Mileva. She was, in that year, the only woman beginning
studies in the mathematical section of the School for Mathematics and
Science teachers. While married to Mileva
Maric at the age of 26, Einstein published in 1905 three fundamental
contributions to three different areas of physics, a unique
event in the history of science. In 1921, Einstein received the
Nobel Prize for those contributions. Mileva
entered Einstein's life in a crucial period of his scientific achievements
and helped him in his endeavor. Einstein's marriage to Mileva was an
intellectual partnership. Einstein admired Mileva's calm
independence and intellectual ambitions. He consider himself lucky
to have founded Mileva, "a creature who is my equal and who is strong
and independent as I am" said Einstein. Einstein
continues to discuss the topics of his scientific interest with Mileva and
with his friends Michele Besso and Marcel Grossman. While
working on the subject of electrodynamics of moving bodies, Einstein wrote
to Mileva about "our work on relative motion". Einstein
was reading together with Mileva, the classic works of Boltzmann, Drude,
Helmholtz, Herz, Kirchkoff and Osward. This reading had an important
role on his education. Einstein and Mileva
shared common interested in physics and science. Mileva
spend her winter semester 1897-1898 in Heidelberg, Germany. In her
letter to Einstein written from Heidelberg, Mileva expressed her
fascination with a lecture of the German physicist Phillip Lenard about
the relationship between the velocity of molecules and the distance
traversed by it between collisions, a topic relevant in Einstein's studies
of Brownian motion. Mileva contributions to
the Einstein success story will be further elicitated in important volumes
of the "Collected Papers of Albert Einstein". "The
Love Letters, Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric" shed a light on this
great woman Mileva Maric and her contributions to the success in the life
and scientific achievements of one of the greatest men in history - Albert
Einstein. Dr. Ljubo Vujovic Secretary
General Tesla Memorial Society