World's Columbian Exposition
in Chicago 1893 Opening Ceremony

The Columbian Exposition was one of the greatest events
in American history "Among monuments
marking the progress of civilization throughtout the ages, the World's
Columbian Exposition of 1893 will ever stand conspicuous.
A gathering like this of men and things from ever
quarter, each country contributing of its best, must promote intellectual
activity and physical energy, and accelerate progress in all its
departments The Chicago Exposition, dedicated in
October, 1892, to the great navigator who four centuries ago set foot on
New World shores, opening the way to the founding in this western
hemisphere of many nations and governments"
- The Book Of The Fair by Howe Bancroft, Volume One
By Dr. Ljubo Vujovic and Marko Vujovic The World
Columbian Exposition was the World's Fair commemorating 400 years since
Christopher Columbus set foot in the New World. Located on Lake
Michigan to facilitate access by sea, road and rail. It was a
gathering of ideas, men and technologies from every quarter of the globe,
with each country contributing its best of their industrial, cultural,
commercial and educational enterprises. The Renaissance style of the
exposition buildings was unsurpassed by its architecture beauty. The
Exposition itself was a work of art. The Exposition was a brilliant
spectacle of science, art and industry. All the world has its
pilgrimage to Columbian Exposition in 1893. Westinghouse became
dedicated to promoting the polyphase alternating current system and felt
that his best chance to introduce it to the public at large would be at
the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The exposition was
the greatest event in America and in the world at that time. Ever
the ingenious promoter Westinghouse outbid Edison for the contract to
power the expositions lighting and electrical systems. Over Two
Hundred thousand electric light bulbs were illuminated by Tesla's
polyphase alternating current system. The Westinghouse display was a
historic collection of machines, all powered with Tesla/Westinghouse
alternating current. It was a spectacular display of lights and
energy, which illuminated the exposition. Pictures
of this great event where taken from the following excellent books:
The Book Of The Fair by Howe Bancroft, Volume One
The Dream City: A Portfolio of Photographic Views by
Prof. Halsey C. Ives
The Columbian Exposition of 1893
introduced electricity to the public
This was the final great victory of Tesla/Westinghouse's Polyphase
Alternating Current system electricity over Edison's Direct Current (DC)

Above: George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla. Seeking to
make long distance electric power transmission a reality, they combined
their skills, their genius and their belief in a new technology ...
alternating current. Together they started a revolution that
electrified the world. A Perfect Partnership.

Above: The Tesla/Westinghouse display at Electricity Hall.
Tesla Polyphase Alternating Current Sign on Display, Westinghouse

Above: The Tesla/Westinghouse display at Electricity Hall.
Tesla Polyphase Alternating Current System.

Above: Nikola Tesla's personal exhibit at the World Fair in Chicago,
1893. The Egg of Columbus centered in this photograph.

Above: The Court of Honor and its buildings.

Above: Columbian Coins
Columbian Exposition Opening Ceremony

Above: President Cleveland delivered the Opening Address for the Columbian
Exposition in Chicago. He concluded with the following words: "Let
us hold fast to the meaning which underlies this ceremony, and let us not
lose the impressiveness of this moment. As by a touch the machinery
that gives life to this vast Exposition is now set in motion, so at the
same instant let our hopes and aspirations awaken forces which in all time
to come shall influence the welfare the dignity, and the freedom of
Then with a press of a button, all the ponderous machinery of the Fair was
set in motion.

Above: Crowd at Cleveland's Address during the Columbian Exposition
Opening Ceremony.

Above: Decoration, Chicago Street during the celebration.

Above: Procession of Parade, Michigan Avenue, Chicago.

Above: Columbian Coins
Dedication to the Opening - The Naval Review
As part of the ceremonies connected with the Columbian Exposition, a
naval review took place in New York Harbor on April 27, 1893. Here
were assembled, as one international fleet, thirty -five vessels of war.
Never before had the squadrons of England, France, Russia and Germany, of
Italy and Spain, in line with those of other empires and monarchies,
passed parade before a president of the United States.
On board the thirty-five vessels of the Columbian fleet there were more
than 10,000 officers, seamen and marine.

Above: Naval Review in New York Harbor - a part of the Columbian Exposition
On the 19th of October anniversary was celebrated in the schools, not
only in Chicago but all over the United States. There were essays,
addresses, readings, declamations and patriotic songs.
In some other cities the anniversary was celebrated with parades,
exercises, or other demonstration, each city and town selecting for itself
the kind of celebration that suited its taste.

Above: Naval Parade in New York - a part of the Columbian Exposition

Above: Columbian Coins The
Chicago World's Fair of 1893

Above and Below: Entrance to the Administration Building which reads :
"Columbus after discovering the new world made three other voyages of
exploration and died at Valladolid, Spain, May 21, 1506."

Above: Liberty Bell was brought from Philadelphia to Chicago for the
Columbian Exposition.

Above: Administration Building, East Front.

Above: An electric fountain in action.

Above: Entrance into the Machinery Building at the Exposition

Above: Westinghouse Engine in the Machinery Hall Exhibit

Above: Celebration of Chicago Day at the Administration Plaza. |