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Proposal for Proclamation of "Nikola Tesla Day" on July 10 by United Nations
Below: Answer from Kofi Annan, Secretary General, United Nations, to the Tesla Memorial Society of New York regarding the proclamation of "Nikola Tesla Day" as an international holiday.
The Tesla Memorial Society from New York proposed to officials of the United Nations to proclaim, July 10th, Nikola Tesla's birthday as an international "Nikola Tesla Day". This day will signify a day of science, progress and brotherhood among all nations and religions. Letters were sent to:
All three letters are identical in content. The Tesla Memorial Society from New York are asking all Tesla admirers around the world to help us achieve our goal of proclaiming July 10th, "Nikola Tesla Day", an international day celebrated by people all around the globe. This day will be a day of remembrance of Tesla's work and his contribution to humanity. This day will be important for science, peace, progress and brotherhood among nations and religions around the world. This letter below was sent to the United Nations to proclaim "Nikola Tesla Day" on July 10th:
Above: Tesla is the father of high frequency high voltage electricity which is used today in radio and other communication devices. Here is a photo from Colorado Springs, Colorado (in 1899), illustrating the capacity of the oscillator to create electricity of millions of volts and a frequency of 100,000 alternations per second.
Above: Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) at the age of 38.
Above: Tesla sits below the Tesla Coil in his Colorado Spring Laboratory. The coil creates millions of volts of electricity with a frequency rate of 100,000 alterations per second.
Above: Susannah Norris-Lindsay, artist who created the "Engineer's Club" plaque and Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, General Secretary, Tesla Memorial Society of New York. Ms. Lindsay was responsible for adding Tesla's name on this beautiful plaque on 32 West 40 Street, Manhattan, New York.
Above: Hotel New Yorkers in Manhattan is one of the biggest and most beautiful hotels in the world. Located at the intersection of 34th Street and 8th Avenue. Built in 1930.
Above: New York Time July 11, 1937, Nikola Tesla received the Order of the White Lion from Vladimir Hurban, Minster from Czechoslovakia at the luncheon at the Grand Ballroom, Hotel New Yorker. Many Radio and electronic industry in Czechoslovakia bears Tesla's name. Tesla study philosophy at the University of Prague, he was good friends with Anthony Dvorsak, famous Czech composer who lived in New York City from 1892-1896.
Above: Tesla commemorative plaque on Hotel New Yorker erected July 10, 2001 by the Tesla Memorial Society of New York and Hotel New Yorker.
Above: The opening ceremony for the unveiling of the Tesla commemorative plaque on July 10, 2001 on Hotel New Yorker. Above: Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, President, Tesla Memorial Society of New York speaking at the unveiling ceremony for the plaque on Hotel New Yorker on July 10, 2001.
Above: Dr. Ljubo Vujovic Nikola Tesla's Birthday on July 10 - A Day Of Science Around The World Written by Marina Bulatovic - In Hotel New Yorker in Manhattan, where Tesla lived for the last 10 years of his life, we met Dr. Ljubo Vujovic, General Secretary, Tesla Memorial Society of New York. This society, as many other Tesla societies, was formed with the purpose of keeping the memory of Nikola Tesla alive. Dr. Ljubo Vujovic is one the leading Tesla activists in America and Europe. He devoted 40 years of his life to research and the promotion of Nikola Tesla. Despite the fact that promoting Nikola Tesla didn't come easy, he never gave up. Dr. Ljubo Vujovic said: "For many years now, we have been promoting Nikola Tesla Day (July 10), as a day of science, progress and peace among all nations and religious of the world. This initiative was started in 2002, together with our brother Tesla organization from Australia, Tesla Forum. We would like that Tesla's birthday on July 10 be proclaimed "Nikola Tesla Day of Science" around the world. We collected many documents, you can see them on our website - www.teslasociety.com. It is necessary that one government, accredited by the UN, send an official proposal to the United Nations for voting by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The previous Secretary General, Kofi Annan, instructed that this procedure be followed for the approval of "Nikola Tesla Day of Science" by the United Nations. We received great encouragement for these actions because recently Nelson Mandala had his birthday, the 18th of July, proclaimed a "Day of Peace". Mandala's "Day of Peace" Proclamation was conducted with the same procedure that Kofi Annan suggested in his letter to the Tesla Memorial Society of New York regarding "Nikola Tesla Day of Science". " - Dr. Ljubo Vujovic What was done until now There is a long list of achievements of Dr. Ljubo Vujovic regarding the popularization of Nikola Tesla. Dr. Vujovic worked with the City of New York, supplying them with the necessary documents and information for the placement of the "Nikola Tesla Corner" sign on 6th Avenue and 40th Street, New York City. Above: Tesla Corner on 40th Street and 6th avenue in Manhattan, New York. The initiative for the placement of the "Nikola Tesla Corner" sign between 6th Avenue and 40th Street was due to the hard work and perseverance of the Croatian Club of New York. Thanks to Dr. Vujovic, on July 10, 2001, a commemorative plaque for Nikola Tesla was unveiled on Hotel New Yorker, in Manhattan. The plaque was made 1977, but because of political reasons, it was not install on Hotel New Yorker. The Serbian Orthodox Church and many other individuals helped Dr. Vujovic to install the Tesla plaque Hotel New Yorker. This plaque is currently placed on Hotel New Yorker, where Tesla lived from 1933-1943. After 24 years of the creation since the plaque was created, it finally rests on the wall of Hotel New Yorker. (Click here to view more information) Above: Tesla Monument at Niagara Falls (Canadian side), Queen Victoria Park, unveiled on July 9, 2006. Tesla is standing atop an AC motor, one of the 700 inventions he patented. The monument was the work of Canadian sculptor Les Dryzdale.
Above: Tesla Monument at Goat Island, Niagara Falls,
New York. Gift of Yugoslavia to the United States, 1976. Dr. Vujovic is the chief editor of Tesla Memorial Society of New York Website (www.teslasociety.com). This website has many information, photographs and documents about Nikola Tesla, Michael Pupin and Mileva Maric. This website was visited by over 1,500,000 visitors mostly from America and then India, Great Britain, Canada and Europe.
Dr. Ljubo Vujovic is the author of the two books entitled "Tribute to Tesla" which contains many illustrations and documents about the genius Nikola Tesla. He initiated and was active in the research project for Nikola Tesla entitled "The Tesla Collection" (23 volume collection of many newspaper articles about the work, life and times of Nikola Tesla).
Dr. Vujovic is the author of the documentary film "Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World", made with the cooperation of the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. The film received international recognition as the best Nikola Tesla documentary film. Originally in english, the film was translated into the German, French and Serbian languages. It was shown in many television stations around the world. Dr. Vujovic is the author of many articles about Nikola Tesla. He participated in many television, radio and newspaper interviews about Nikola Tesla, his work and the Serbian culture. Written by Marina Bulatovic, distinguished Serbian journalist living in Saudi Arabia. Serbian Version U hotelu New Yorker na Menhetnu, u kome je nekada davno živeo i Nikola Tesla, sreli smo se sa Dr Ljubom Vujovićem generalnim sekretarom njujorškog ogranka Memorijalnog udruženja "Tesla". Ovo udruženje, baš kao i druga širom sveta, ustanovljeno je kako bi se održala uspomena na velikog naučnika. Dr Vujović upravlja i aktivnostima Teslinih udruženja u Americi i Evropi. On je posvetio 40 godina svoga života istraživanju i promociji rada Nikole Tesle. Bez obzira što se do cilja ne dolazi uvek lako i brzo, naš sagovornik se ne predaje. Njegov pogled je okrenut ka Beogradu, a nade polaže u Vladu Srbije i Predsednika Borisa Tadića … “ Već nekoliko godina, ali bez mnogo uspeha, radimo na proglašenju dana Nikole Tesle koji treba da bude Dan nauke, progresa i mira medju svim nacijama i religijama sveta. Ovu akciju smo pokrenuli 2002.g. zajedno sa sestrinskom organizacijom iz Australije koja se zove Tesla Forum. Želja nam je da se Teslin rodjendan 10 jul proglasi za Dan nauke u celom svetu. Prikupili smo veliki broj dokumenata koje možete videti na našem Web sajtu: www.teslasociety.com pod brojem 2 i brojem 3. Potrebno je da Vlada Srbije uputi zvaničan predlog Ujedinjenim Nacijama za glasanje na Generalnoj skupštini, kao što je svojevremeno i savetovao Kofi Annan nekadašnji Generalni sekretar UN. Veliki impuls i nadu smo dobili kada je 18 jul proglašen za Dan Nelsona Mandele kao Dan mira u svetu. To nam je dalo ohrabrenje jer je procedura bila ista kao što nam je rekao Kofi Annan - jedna zemlja članica UN treba da podnese taj predlog na glasanje i to je sve. Obzirom da Jugoslavia, a sada i Srbija, uživaju simpatije Trećega sveta, verujemo da bi ta akcija potpuno uspela. Medjutim, bez inicijative iz Beograda akcija ne može ni da krene…” – kaže Dr Ljubo Vujović. Koliko bi proglašenje Teslinog rodjendana 10 jul za Dan nauke u svetu značilo za imidž Srbije nepotrebno je govoriti. Respekt i popularnost koju bi tada stekla Srbija, kao zemlja koja je svetu podarila veliki broj naučnika - Nikola Tesla, Mileva Marić, Mihailo Pupin, Milutin Milanković i mnoge druge, veoma su važni kako za Srbiju danas, tako i za budućnosti zemlje. Dr Vujović je lekar. Sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka bio je aktivan u pomoći jugoslovenskom udurženju lekara i mnogim bolnicama u Jugoslaviji, sa tretmanima i lekovima za oboljenja raka. On je u to vreme specijalizirao hematologiju i onkologiju. Dr Vujović je primio nagradu "The City Coucil Citation" za svoj lekarski rad u Njujorku. Na nagradi je urezana posveta: "Dr Vujović je istaknuti građanin vredan pohvale i zahvalnosti ovoga veća i građana grada Njujorka." Pored ove nagrade Dr. Vujović sa ponosom nosi i ordenje koje je dobio od Republikanske partije Amerike, orden od Tita za zasluge u vezi lečenja raka, od Vlade Srbije i Vojislava Koštunice za rad na promociji Nikole Tesle. AF: Šta je uradjeno do sada Dugačak je spisak stvari koje je Dr Vujović uradio na popularizaciji Nikole Tesle. Sarađivao sa čelnicima grada Njujorka, dostavljajući im potrebna dokumenta i informacije za postavljanje znaka "Nikola Tesla CORNER" na uglu 6.avenije i 40. ulice.
Letters received by the "Tesla Forum" of Western Australia from various organizations, in Australia, regarding "Nikola Tesla Day" Tesla Society from Western Australia called "Tesla Forum" is promoting the proclamation of "Nikola Tesla Day". The Tesla Forum will ask the government of Australia to bring the proposal of "Nikola Tesla Day" to the General Assembly of the United Nations for voting.